Stitching a Story
Art & Soul
Mon-Tue March 17-18
Join me for a 2-day creative journey to craft your own unique story book.
Through a series of intuitive and playful techniques, you'll transform your materials into a story book treasure.
Discover the joy of:
- Painting and distressing fabric and paper
- Altering magazine images with gesso, paint, pencil, fabric, and thread
- Collaging with meaningful papers, old letters, and vintage ephemera
- Making layered windows using thread
Embrace the freedom of my freeform, instinctual stitching method, which encourages creative expression and play.
This course is about having fun, exploring your imagination and intuition
to create a book that brings you joy.
Take home a beautiful, one-of-a-kind book that you'll continue to treasure and embellish.
Let's create together and unlock the magic of intuitive art!
Materials Fee $5 paid at beginning of class includes:
The kit will contain French vintage papers, Spanish vintage book pages, painted papers and fabrics, some vintage fabric, waxed thread for binding and more.
Supplies Needed to bring for Class:
For meaningful pages and the embellishment of your book cover, you can bring your own papers and fabric scraps, sheer fabrics work well. Small images to fit in your book - magazine images, vintage or new pictures to add interest or use as a page. *While you’re looking for your book materials, keep in mind your book will measure 3x4 inches closed.
You can also bring small items to include in your book like postage stamps, dry, empty tea tags, beads, buttons, rusty bits, feathers, pressed flower petals or leaves. You may use anything that sparks your imagination and inspires you to weave a visual story, whether it’s to be shared with others or kept as a secret treasure.
-Large eye needle for bookbinding
-Your choice of waxed thread for binding - I’ll have some to choose from
-awl - I’ll have some to share so you don’t have to buy one
-Needles for hand sewing and for use with thicker threads
- Embroidery floss, DMC, sewing threads - I'll have some threads to share
-Scissors for cutting fabric, thread and/or paper
-Two bullnose clips or something to hold your pages in place while you pierce your binding holes
-Paint brushes: choose your favorite sizes and styles - you can use flats, brights, rounds or filberts to paint fabric and add details to pages, paint backgrounds and one brush for applying gel to your book cover and pages. Save money by using what you have on hand.
-Water container
-White and black gesso
-3 or 4 acrylic paints
-Gel medium or your preferred medium for adhering papers and fabrics
-Rag or paper towels for clean up.
-White gel pen
-black water proof pen for drawing or writing on pages