Dealing with blockage.

Making something everyday keeps me in the groove of creativity. I don’t care about finishing what I’m working on because it’s simply to keep me in the habit of showing up in my studio. Spreading paint on whatever substrate I find sitting around is something I like to do. The action of the paint brush gliding down the paper and the way the paint brush feels in my hand is what I focus on. Sometimes ripping paper is all I do when I’m blocked and I set the pieces aside to use as fodder for other projects, this practice was all I could do when my mother died. I was so grief stricken that the intense emotions I was experiencing blocked my creativity and I suffer when I can’t create because making things has always been my way of processing my feelings, so all I could do was tear up pieces of paper while I cried and it calmed me and gave me some inner peace. This broke through my block because focusing on the feeling of tearing paper kept my mind from thinking and it inspired me to create something else that involved tearing paper. I created pyramids of stacked papers. I’ve included below a picture of what I made. I hope my sharing this will help you if you ever feel blocked in your own practice.